"Beaujolais nouveau has arrived!" In celebration of the beaujolais nouveau's arrival season, Alliance Francaise de Maseru in partnership with @lesothowine will host a wine fest, on 18 November 2021. This wine event will be held at AF de Maseru premises and will feature bottels of Beaujolais nouveau 2021 and bottels of Beaujolais wine from previous years. We propose to you, a Beaujolais wine tasting followed by a Beajolaise fest to enjoy and share bottles of the Beaujolais nouveau which will be brought straight from France through Diplomatic channels. With the Blue level, it is time to bring back some social exchanges ! Throughout France, the Beaujolais Nouveau celebration takes place every third Thursday of November, when the wine making ends and marketing is authorized. The release of this fruity wine is eagerly awaited by amateurs, but is also a good reason to meet up with friends in a friendly atmosphere. M400/person Rsvp and payment by 15 November 2021 to culture@afmaseru.org.ls / 59750598 Payment can be done by cash, EFT and Mpesa (58851506)
Corner Kingsway and Pioneer Road Maseru
18 November 2021 17:00HRS - 19:00HRS